Monday, January 16, 2006

Creating CG16 cum CGMC Website

The Year 2006 has arrived and it is time to create our Cell Group cum CGMC website. The website URL is (under construction). This missing link from my original Breath Links website is vital for evangelism as it is the pointer to Spiritual Health besides the mental and physical health which I most commonly deal with. This website will heighten the interest of our viewers to the activities of the Canning Garden Methodist Church and the Christian faith. It will also provide links to various Christian resources available worldwide.

As for this blog I pray that our cell group members will provide more postings for our readers. There are so many things one can blog about: spiritual matters, hobbies, interesting local or worldwide news, book reviews, etc. Other cell groups members are welcomed to join us. They may also be enrolled as team members. Team members have the added advantage of posting articles in the blog besides just giving comments.

Wishing you a Happy and a Blessed New Year.

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