Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Website now 90% complete

We have created a new look for our website. Hopefully the daily bible study notes will come out well everyday with a new topic. Most of the pages are complete with the essential details. Some pages however lack new photos. The addition of the family camp 2006 photos will be excellent. Hopefully we can get the approval of the Church leaders before our full scale launch in the cyberworld. To be seachable I need to place metatags for each of the webpages. I need more feedbacks for these projects. I am w-a-i-t-i-n-g !!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Fantastic Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's day and I never knew I can do so many things in a day. It was Sunday and so naturally I have to get up very early in the morning, see my patients in the hospitals and then arrive in Church before 8.15 am. (remember be in Church on time!) True enough, Pastor Ashok was at the entrance checking on punctuality besides giving all of us a warm welcome. It is always very nice to see Pastor with his broad smile.

All the mother's in Church were a happy lot. Why not? They all got a free towel! Truly it was a day to reflect on what our mothers have gone through bringing us up to be what we are today. We truly appreciate it but often enough we do not express it. So from today always say something nice to our mothers. If there is nothing good to say, just keep quiet rather than complain. This advice goes to me as well.

Dr. Su was good with his sermon on"How much to make the rest of your life the best of your life". He emphasised the importance of putting the Will of God first before all other considerations. And our need to live out His will.

Dr. Su loves to illustrate his points with Chinese proverbs. Ancient Chinese scholars were smart intellectuals. They recorded their thoughts and preserved them for generations. Dr. Su has a candid way of taking a person's weight. Oops, definitely not in his office I but only at one's home privately. Well, the way to assess whether one is overweight or obese is just simply to strip down and stand in front of a mirror. Then start jumping up and down. If you notice areas of floppy movements on the body where they should not then you have excess fat. Smart isn't it?

After service the Garden Terrace was filled with people enjoying a sumptious brunch. Mothers acknowledged our appreciation. All others acknowledged the good food. We shall have another round for Father's Day!!!!

Evening was spent with Dr. Hoe from KL who was on her way back from Sg. Petani. Still as charming as before but we couldn't wish her Happy Mother's Day. Well, well, well she is still unattached. Any suggestions?? Please email me.

Spent the rest of the free time in the evening with my boy playing badminton. Did a marathon session with our CG websiste at night. Guess what ?? I have completed the remaining webpages. Surprise! Surprise!! Please go to the website and find out more. www.cgmc.infoline.com.my One last bit to complete is the index page. I have just found an automatic daily update for bible lessons from a respectable site. Hope to put it up this week.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Praise the Lord that we are able to gather here today to learn how to blog for very special reasons. We are purpose driven to share, educate, inspire, encourage and counsel. We will fulfil our great commission through cyberspace and other practical ways.

Our agenda for tonight's meeting:
1. Overview of blogging
2. Christian blogs
3. Our blog - CG16 and Friends
4. Counselling ???
5. Our website
6. Try blogging tonight
7. Delegation of duties
8. Supper

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wishing all my friends a very Blessed Easter.....

Calvary Church celebrated Easter Sunrise Service this year at Bukit Jalil Stadium...

Easter Morning @ Bukit Jalil Hockey Stadium

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Pics from early 70s & late 60s

Some old pics which I have emailed out before but nevertheless .....

This should be 1972...Form 4. Me look wierd...but then whats new?!

Waitng for the gals .......look at the type of glasses

From right...Edmund, Yew Yuen, Foo Wah, dun know his name, Soon Aun & half of me

Looking at the glasses probably 74 or 75. That's Feilo next to me....

Monday, April 10, 2006

Being youthful 50 and beyond

Visited the Toy Museum in Penang over the weekend. This museum was featured in the newspapers a couple of weeks ago. It belongs to an engineer with a passion for toys. He has collected these toys over the years. Its really good but the entrance fee is rather expensive. Adults rm 10 and children rm 6. Will post more pictures next. Uploading pictures into blogger is very slow. Well we cannot be young anymore but at least be youthful and enjoy life. Cheers.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Class of Upper Science C 1975

Start with class of 75 Upper Science C, ACS Ipoh....will try to post the Form 5 pics later.

Enjoy...ehhh....a bit blurrr but you should still be able to make out some of guys/gals...click on the pic to enlarge.

Anyone who has interesting pics/photos/stories to share can either get OK for an invite to post or email me at agfoxx05@gmail.com or kee_kuang.hum@se1.bp.com.

Cheers...KK aka agfoxx