Monday, May 23, 2005

Response to Motor Vehicle Accident

Often enough we do see a motor vehicle accident while we are on the road. What should be our response? Should we get off our cars to help? How can we help?

If we decide to help the first thing to do is actually to make sure that our vehicle is safely parked by the side of the road with hazard lights blinking. Next, before alighting make sure the occupants in the car are safe or are able to take care of themselves especially if there are children in the car.

Here are some of the things we can do in an accident scene.
1. Direct traffic. Make sure you are wearing clothes which are readily visible. A torch like and a reflective vest will be very useful at night.
2. Move injured away from further danger eg. on coming cars, possible fire. Make sure there is no neck injury otherwise movement may cause further damage of spinal cord resulting in paralysis. Splinting of injured parts maybe required. Wear gloves if you have. The scene can be very bloody.
3. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Only if you know how.
4. Call for help with your handphone. Police, hospital, etc.
5. Transporting injured in your vehicle to nearest hospital maybe faster and life saving if there is uncontrollable bleeding or serious penetrating injuries. Be prepared to see blood, vomitus all over your car.
6. Pack and bandage areas of profuse bleeding. A tourniquette application may occasionally be required when a large artery is severed and bleeding profusely.

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