Saturday, October 7, 2023

What is Legacy?

Definition of Legacy

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary
Legacy is 
1: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property
2: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. 
3: a candidate for membership in an organisation who is given special status because of a familial relationship to a member. 

Making Our Legacy Known

The tales of our lives are more than just the events that have occurred in our lives.  The tales of our lives are summaries of what are most important to us when thinking about a legacy and the meaning of everything we've done and lived for.

Some folks are already aware of the most significant factors. For many, it is their belief in God. It is an accomplishment in business, art, sports, or literature for some. Others remember the affection they enjoyed with their families and friends.

In a way, having a legacy plan well in advance is also a way of maneuvering our lives toward a future goal which, for many, will usually be purposely living where one's authenticity, honesty and trustworthiness are revealed. 

Questions on Legacy

What does success entail? It's critical to define this and develop a vision for what it should look like. The first step in figuring out how to get somewhere is to know where you want to go.

What would I like to be remembered for? What kind of a name do you wish to have? What is the main theme you'd like to hear played at your funeral...or the words engraved on your tombstone?

What are the three most important values in my life? What are the things that are most important to me? (Take a look at how you spend your time and money for a hint.) You may not like what you see, but it is an accurate reflection of your priorities.)

Is it possible for me to live in a way that reflects those values? If not, what adjustments do I need to do to get back on track?

The legacy you leave is built one day at a time, one person at a time, over a lifetime.

Legacy Projects

A legacy project is a tangible item that you make to communicate your legacy to future generations. This can include your history, significant life events, wisdom gained, love and relationships experienced, personal accomplishments, faith, hopes and dreams (realised and unrealized), and much more.

The significant things in your life will come to the surface while you work on your legacy project. Incorporate them into your plans in some way! You can use words, visuals, or music to do this. It's also not necessary for the text and images to be your own; this is why some people prefer to create collages or collections as a legacy project. So don't feel compelled to do so.

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