Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Publicise an Event

Some tips:
  • Staple a card with information about the event onto existing handout tri fold brochures.
  • Create photo flyers and hang them in places.
  • Keep signs clear and uncluttered.
  • Create custom countdown calendars to give away to generate  excitement and awareness.
  • Create an oversized schedule of events and display it outside the venue several weeks before the event to help people get a sense  of what to expect.
  • Talk up the event.  Call 3 -5 people outside your circle of friends to tell them about the event. Then seek their assistance to inform their circle of friends. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to write a grant proposal

First requirement is to identify and develop a project that supports the core mission.

Questions to be answered:
  1. What do you want to do?
  2. How much will this cost?
  3. How long will it take?
  4. Who will benefit from this project and how?
  5. How does teh project fit within the mission of the organisation?
Prepare a good summary of the project followed by details.  Most people will just read the summary and decide whether to read on further.

Perak Chest Society will need a grant to purchase more oxgyen concentrators for loan.

Monday, October 16, 2017


What is worship? 1. Praise God for who he is. 2. Honor Good for what he does. 3. Thank God for his help.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Healthy Small Group

The continual must do's for a healthy small group.  The SCORE Principles:

SERVE - what you do with one another
CARE - people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care
OTHERS - look at the interest of others
RELATE - improve relationship
ENTHRONE - place God first.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Small Group Growth

Small group growth correlate clearly with:
  1. Amount of time the leader spent with the Lord each day.
  2. Amount of prayer for members. Those leaders who prayed for their members everyday had groups that grew on the average twice as fast as those who only prayed for the members once or twice a week.
  3. Hospitality, social activity and ministry.  The more time a leader and members spent together outside meetings, the faster the groups grew.
  4. Number of visitiors.
  5. Visitor follow up.  It is not surprising to discover that the more visitors a group had, the faster it grew.  However, the research revealed more importantly than the number of visitors a group had, was whether the visitors were followed on.
  6. Raising up leaders.
  7. Clear goals.
  8. Preparation for the meeting.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Having a company culture is important.

Culture is the set of shared attitudes, goals, behaviors and values that characterises a group. In a company it adds up to how things get done and influences the entirety of the employees experience and thus the customer experience.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Taman Herba Negeri Perak

I love to grow herbs in my garden.  

I visited Taman Herba Negeri Perak and I am astonished by the number of ornamental plants which also have medicinal value. This park has a large collection of plants which are labelled.