Monday, October 11, 2021

Ways to Record a Video


Three factors to consider on making a video: 1. Topic, 2 Budget, 3. Skills

1. Talking Head

The talking head is one of the simplest lecture recording styles. All you need is you, a camera and a microphone.
PROS: A strong emotional connection with the audience.
CONS: Lack of visual elements to illustrate ideas.  

2. White Board - physical

PROS: Feels more authentic. Confidence on camera and can draw.
CONS: Every time we write things get a bit more complex. Hard to light evenly, as they are quite reflective. Eye contact loss when writing on a whiteboard. Need to be pretty good writing and drawing on the fly. 

3. Paper Easel

The pros and cons of this method are almost identical to the whiteboard style, except paper is a lot less reflective and therefore easier to light.

4. Flat Screen (LED)

Use a remote clicker to advance the slides.
PROS: Greater perceived value. The ideal style for tech-savvy audiences.
CONS: Need to invest in a large flat screen TV. Need to prepare all the slides in advance.

5. Voice Over & Slides

Purely slide-only presentation. Main choice for webinars or live presentations over the web.
PROS: No camera or studio required. Perfect if you are camera shy.
CONS: Less emotional engagement. More work to put together as the slides need to compensate for the lack of visual engagement derived from having a talking head.

6. Tablet

Khan Academy style. 
PROS: Appealing look of an old fashion chalkboard.
CONS: Need great calligraphy and drawing ability. Learn how to draw on a tablet. You need a great voice.

7. Webcam & Slides

You can show your face when you need to address your audience and you can create beautiful slides and animations to illustrate even the most complex ideas.
PROS: Combine slides and talking head to achieve better engagement and illustrate harder points.
CONS: Need to prepare the slides in advance and it requires a bit more video editing.

8. Screencast

This is the best recording style option for showing how software or a website works.
PROS: The easiest way to record a lecture. No need to prepare slides.
CONS: Can't see your face which needs to be compensated with a good energetic and engaging voice.

Mix Styles?

Start and end lectures using talking head only and switch to slides only for the main content.

Switching from a paper easel to a flat screen TV, to a wall and to a whiteboard.

Talking head and add some graphics and text to spice up the video and make it more engaging.

Whatever style you choose, make sure it fits both your budget and most importantly, your brand.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Urban Farming & Gardening Community

Learn how to obtain a licence from Ipoh City Council to do Urban Farming and Community Gardening.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My first YouTube Shorts - Armor of God

Created this short video clip of less than 60 seconds.  This is my first YouTube Shorts.  I am surprised that from the YT Creator Studio one can directly share to Blogger, Twitter, Facebook and many others.