Friday, March 27, 2020

Social distancing

The recommended distance is 6 feet away. Decided to move the patient's chair some 6 feet away. Actually a good idea to follow. I now do the consultation standing and it gives me some good standing exercises as well. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Every case a suspect.

There have been reported cases which are clustered and sporadic. Fortunately most cases are linked to a cluster.

Need to protect my nuse aids. Bought lab coats for them. Yesterday gave them a bottle each with 100 hypochlorite  effervescent tablets. Each tablet is 2-5 gm. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Going to work in T shirt

It is recommended that  doctors change to scrubs while in hospital. They then change back to their own clothes on leaving the hospital.

For us doctors in private practice outside the hospital we may decide on T-shirts. On returning home we take off the T shirts and place them into a pail full of hypochlorite solution.