Saturday, December 21, 2013

CGMC Cell Group Event 2013 - Immanuel

Event held on Friday 20th December 2013.  A perfect evening to remind ourselves of the birth of Christ.  The weather was lovely after light rain earlier. 

The first video highlighted the birth of Christ (God with Us) and the second video highlighted the purpose of his coming (the Salvation Story).    A total of 37 people attended (12 members from Cell Group 16). 

6.00 pm      Welcome by Dr Leong Oon Keong
6.30 pm      Ice breaker lead by Mr Abel How
                   Video - "Immanuel" God with Us by Rev Charles Spurgeon (3 minutes)
                   Opening carols lead by Mr Ong Tit Hin and piano by Mr Joshua Leong Wen Tze
                   Video - "The Cross" by Rev Billy Graham (28 minutes)
                   Closing carols lead by Mr Ong Tit Hin
                   Prayer and Grace by Dr Su Too Kiat
7.45 pm      Christmas Dinner cum BBQ.         

Thursday, December 12, 2013

World COPD Day 2013

World COPD Day 2013 was celebrated on Saturday 23rd November at KPJ Ipoh Specialist Centre.  Dr. Chin Yow Wen gave a talk on COPD and its management.  Mdm. Leong Yee Leng RN highlighted the activities of the Perak Chest Society to the audience.  Attendance was very encouraging.  Several people bought our Asthma Friendly School T-shirt for RM 20 in support of our AFS project.  It was the last activity of the PCS for the year. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Clinic Deco for Christmas 2013

Christmas tree in the reading room.

The reception counter

Gift boxes

Booklets from RBC Ministry

Yee Leng with Christmas gifts
Christmas has arrived.