Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Walk for your Lungs" Committee At Work

With only 22 days away from the event we are all very excited and a bit anxious.  We are praying that the rain will not come in the morning of the event.

Just a reminder:

Perak Lung Health Day 2013
"Walk for your Lungs"
a fun walk and learning event
Sunday 19th May
6.30 am ~ 11.00 am.
Sultan Abdul Aziz Recreation Park (Polo Ground), Ipoh. 
We are launching the Asthma Friendly School project on the same day.

Free health screening provided by KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital, Hospital Pantai Ipoh, Hospital Fatimah, Perak Community Specialist Hospital and BP Mobile Clinic.
Performances by Fitness Embassy & Apana Studio.

Sponsors and Donors:
Takeda, Astra Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi Pasteur, Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck Sharp & Dome, Pfizer, Abbott, Insan Bakti,

Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, Boh Tea Plantation, Yee Lee Corporation, Hovid Pharmacy, Yee Thye Biscuit, Chang Jiang Coffee, Nestle, Pagoda Groundnuts.

Pioneer Asthma Friendly Schools:  SMK Methodist (ACS) Ipoh, SMK Ave Maria Convent


All Walkathon Participants will be given a questionnaire to answer on registration.

Instructions given in the Questionnaire Paper:

1.       Please put on your number tag.

2.       ANSWER all 10 questions (True or False) below. 

3.       Return this question sheet with the answers to the Perak Chest Society stall before 7.45 am.

4.       Assemble in front of PCS stall at 7.45 am for WELCOME SPEECH.

5.       WALKATHON starts at 8.00 am sharp.

6.       WALK 3 full rounds and collect 3 coloured rubber bands from the track marshals.

7.       On arrival at the finish line please proceed to PCS stall to collect your “goodie bag”.

8.       After the walkathon you may visit the health booths and enjoy the performances.

9.       Winners will be judged according to:

a.       Best time to walk 3 full rounds.

b.      Best question score (> 80% correct answers).

10.   PRIZE giving at 10.30 am.  There are 10 prizes.

11.   Event ends at 11.00 am.
Please come and join us.  Registration fee is only RM 20.00. 

Registration entitlement:
  • Associate Membership of Perak Chest Society for 1 year.
  • T shirt
  • Participate in Walkathon and be able to win one of 10 prizes.
  • Goodie bag
  • Priority health screening.
All proceeds of the event go to implementing the Asthma Friendly School project for asthmatic students, parents/guardians and school teachers.

For more information please contact RN Leong (05-2556302).


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Walk for Your Lungs

Event Schedule

6.30 - 7.45 am        Registration. Take Quiz Form and Number

7.00 - 7.45 am        Learn from Posters. Answer and Return Quiz Forms

7.45 - 8.00 am        Welcome Speech

8.00 am                  Walkathon Starts

                                Health Screening

                                Food Music and Dance

10.30 am                Prize Giving

11.00 am                End

Asthma Friendly School logo