Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Farewell Bro Raymond Seow

Raymond Seow is now at home with our Lord.  His sudden demise has indeed shocked us because he had always led a very active life - cycling, climbing hills etc.  He apparently had a stroke and later suffered a fatal heart attack.  His wake service yesterday night was attended by many close friends.

I first met Raymond in 2011 on Mr Liew WK's recommendation.  Raymond was looking for a job after returning from the USA.  We met at "Little Genting" in Ipoh.  He looked sporty and was dressed up in his cycling gear with gloves and all.  His firm handshake confirmed his tough nature. After our initial discussion he told me he would consult God to decide whether he would take on the job as a sleep technician.

Raymond took on the job and was given training to become a sleep technician cum salesman for CPAP machines.  Unfortunately sleep diagnosis and treatment wasn't his forte. However one thing is for sure.  He always wanted to be with people and help people. 

Recently Raymond called me several times regarding a job vacancy in the Lahat Road YMCA.  He was indeed very keen to become the programme director which I believed he was well suited.  He had a heart to meet and talk with people even though he had problems of his own.  His strength was his staunch belief in Christ and his willingness to help people.  Many of us will remember and are going miss his warm greetings in church.  

Farewell Raymond and may His blessing be with you always.  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Resolution 2014: Making a difference in Lung Health.

Lung diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality in Malaysia.  Below is a table showing the large number of deaths caused by influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis and lung cancers in Malaysia.  Combined it was the second biggest killer after coronary heart disease in year 2010.

Join the Perak Chest Society to fight lung diseases.  Be a volunteer or participant.

Together we can make a difference in Lung Health.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

CGMC Cell Group Event 2013 - Immanuel

Event held on Friday 20th December 2013.  A perfect evening to remind ourselves of the birth of Christ.  The weather was lovely after light rain earlier. 

The first video highlighted the birth of Christ (God with Us) and the second video highlighted the purpose of his coming (the Salvation Story).    A total of 37 people attended (12 members from Cell Group 16). 

6.00 pm      Welcome by Dr Leong Oon Keong
6.30 pm      Ice breaker lead by Mr Abel How
                   Video - "Immanuel" God with Us by Rev Charles Spurgeon (3 minutes)
                   Opening carols lead by Mr Ong Tit Hin and piano by Mr Joshua Leong Wen Tze
                   Video - "The Cross" by Rev Billy Graham (28 minutes)
                   Closing carols lead by Mr Ong Tit Hin
                   Prayer and Grace by Dr Su Too Kiat
7.45 pm      Christmas Dinner cum BBQ.