Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chinese Ceramics. Hexagonal Plant Pot with Saucer.


The hexagonal ceramic plant pot style has a rich history dating back centuries. It gained prominence during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) in China. Crafted by skilled artisans, these pots featured intricate designs, often incorporating blue and white patterns or floral motifs. They were not only functional but also served as decorative pieces. Over time, this style has continued to evolve, blending tradition with contemporary aesthetics.

TOBE @ 15 Clarke Street. Exhibit: Artifacts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Zao 1.0

ZAO 1.0 by Ipoh Women Ceramicists.  An exhibition at 22 Hale Street. 

Some of the affordable ceramics created by young artists. Very talented indeed. 

I like this one. 

Catching on with designs of old cave paintings. 

So cute.  Will live much longer than the real ones in a fish bowl. 

Sleeping beauties.

Very imaginative.

The plants on top the sculptured buildings are real.

Keep off.  Once broken, considered sold!

Great pieces to collect.

Very life like.

The artist's profile.



Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Self-Publishing - An Introduction


An informal talk sponsored by Lahat Road YMCA.  Self publishing is fulfilling and not complicated. The simplest is to publish a family photo book as a legacy project.

To view video recording:  Click Here. Click Here.