Sunday, December 27, 2020

Lawn Mowing

A lot of people are into lawn tennis but I do not play tennis. So the nearest of anything lawn to me will be lawn mowing.

Great exercise. Surprised to say I did only 2000 steps and the heart rate went up to 152 bpm from a resting rate of 60 bpm. This is sort of a forced exercise as I have declined hiring a gardener to make sure I get some fresh air and sunshine during this COVID pandemic.

I have an electric grass mower and here are some tips:

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Spirituality vs Religiosity


Internal character

Relationship with God and others

Progressive and growing

Openness and transparency

Attractive and compelling



External Performance


Pretense to perfection and fixed 

Pretentious and closed

Pushy and offensive

by Dr Ron Jenson

My New Note 10 lite

I am surprised at how much my Note 8 has evolved into Note 10.  And yet the newest model from Samsung is Note 20!  So many new features.  

There is always something new to learn.  Hence we need to open up our eyes, ears and mind to constantly receive and interpret the ever changing information coming along our way.  

Happy learning in the year ahead -  2021. Happy New Year.