Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Season of Giving

Perak Chest Society have away 200+ T shirts to the Lighthouse Hope Society located at Ipoh old town. Pictures show needy people lining up for free food.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

What is UNITY?

Unity begins with giving up your own agenda to develop a better one. It's combining your uniqueness with that of another or others to create something new. It's choosing to be more excited about the success of the team (or the other person) than your own success. It's a spirit of oneness that seeks to build up those around you and to be open and honest in the process. It is rooted in genuine caring (a commitment and action and not merely an emotion).

Such unity is founded on a healthy view of people. To have the unity we must recognise others not as things to be used but as precious individuals created for greatness, to be built up and assisted in maximising their own uniqueness - all of which allows for healthy productive institutions in our society.

Dr. Ron Jenson

Friday, December 11, 2020

Alpha in the Workplace

Had a great time learning how to facilitate online. The COVID pandemic has hastened our adaptations to online teaching.  ZOOM is my current favourite and the latest update has many new features.