Saturday, July 11, 2020

Success vs Significance

Success is generally defined in terms of achievement, fame, recognition, material possessions and wealth. In a word: outcome.

Significance, on the other hand, while less tangible, concerns the process. Significance is importance, meaning, essence, relevance and value. Success drives us by a desire for greater things; significance guides us by a desire for something greater than just what is tangible.

On the path of significance have a sense of 1 urgency, 2 whole of life and 3 defining what significance means.

The best is to build up both success and significance at the same time. However, one must not be prideful once successful. Need to be humble at all times.  Also to realise that one can channel whatever one has gained in success to significance. It's all in the mindset whether one places success or significance to be the more important element in one's life and what legacy one wishes to leave behind. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Mustard Seed

A small seed will grow into a large plant when nurtured.  So will be your well taught children who will grow to become great men and women.  A lot of effort in the beginning but it's all well worth the time and energy.  

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Be still

Drawn with particle brush.  "Be still and know that I am God". 

We need to take time to reflect on our purpose in life.  What am I living for?