Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rebranding PCSH

The rebranding of Perak Community Specialist Hospital is in the making with extensive renovations to serve the local community better.

History of Perak Girls High School

These posters are found in the Leong Wan Chin Multipurpose Hall located in Kampar Road.  They present the history of Perak Girls High School from its humble beginning as the Chung Hwa Girls School located at Lahat Road in 1917.  

Leong Sin Nam was a staunch supporter of the school and his bungolow became the high school premise in 1935.  Please read the posters for more details:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Alpha Parenting Children Course 2015

Course ended last Sunday 31 May 2015 with a graduation lunch.  There were about 16 participants and 6 facilitators. I definitely learnt a lot from the programme and certainly hope the participants learnt just as much. Hope our input in raising kids helped during the sharing.  We may run the Parenting Teenage Course next year.  See you then.

No. Date    SESSIONS 
1 15-Mar   Session 1: Building Strong Foundations (Part 1)
2 22-Mar   Session 1: Building Strong Foundations (Part 2)
3 29-Mar   Session 2: Meeting Our Children's Needs (Part 1)
5-Apr   BREAK
4 12-Apr   Session 2: Meeting Our Children's Needs (Part 2)
5 19-Apr   Session 3: Setting Boundaries (Part 1)
6 26-Apr   Session 3: Setting Boundaries (Part 2)
3-May   BREAK
7 10-May   Session 4: Teaching Healthy Relationships (Part 1)
8 17-May   Session 4: Teaching Healthy Relationships (Part 2)
9 24-May   Session 5: Our Long Term Aim (Part 1)
10 31-May   Session 5: Our Long Term Aim (Part 2)
Link to Alpha Parenting Children Course