Saturday, March 16, 2013

Nursing Homes vs Home Nursing

Home nursing allows a person to stay at home and yet be able to receive timely nursing care.  Coming next will be home telemedicine.  Private mobile nursing and physiotherapy services are now readily available in Ipoh and so are nursing homes. I spotted this van in KPJ ISH basement car park.  Looks groovy.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

CCTV China team visiting

A press crew from CCTV China came to Ipoh to interview some prominent members of the Khek Community in Perak.  Lunch was hosted by Tan Sri Dato Sri Lee Oi Hian on 8th March 2013.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Falim House

When I travel to Menglembu from Ipoh along Lahat Road I always see this "Falim House".  I finally  had the opportunity to visit this house last Friday during the Tin City Project launch.  It is a magnificent house which once belonged to the Foo family.  I hope the new owners will preserve this mansion.  Here are some pictures of the exterior.  The interior is rather messy so no pictures at the moment.