Good turnup, good catchup and a fun night of coconut water, air swam (is that how it is spelt?), chinese tea, beer, wine and whisky. We have prof yip, fongfatt, chatphui, tuckseng, feichiew, foowah & wife angie, alvin, nyatkeong, keecheong, maysan, wanhon, yours truly and surprise-surprise we have seechun who came later and his first time with the least we have one more from USB other than OnnKeong . It appeared that our group is growing larger as we get more mature......
Below are some of the pics taken......kind of blurry with my pdaphone camera. Maybe those with better pictures can post or circulate them later.
The gathering place.....Rock Garden of Robson Height
ACS 75/73's favourtie eating and drinking spot in KL
Alvin and FF not talking.....
ChatPhui trying to get Thum WaiSeng....maybe someone can forward this email to him as I do not have his email address. And we have FongFatt, KeeCheong, ChengHar, FooWah, Angie (FW's better half) 
Alvin opening the 3rd bottle of red wine for the nite and seated ...wanhon, feichiew and nyatkeong
KeeCheong wondering whether it is time to take out his BlackLabel as the wine is fast disappearing.....
Happy MaySan in the centre.....